Sunday, May 24, 2009

May 24 - Warm Cold Comforts

Final page (8) of orchestration for Elijah Rock: X. May (Jezebel and Elijah) and it takes forever to get to the theatre,

due to the wonders of San Francisco's

Carnival (Twin Peaks forming the horizon above buildings at right), for the matinee and evening performances of Fresh Voices IX's Program B with

Meghan Dibble (as a bratty child),

Jo Vincent Parks (here with Michael Muhammed), and

Eliza O'Malley, in Sheli Nan's Saga;

Wayne Wong and

Indre Vistkontas realizing David Heuser's The Golden Ax;

Cary Roscoe and Elizabeth Henry singing Warren Gooch's Academy Songs;

Chris Pratorius's Roxane de Boveda with C.A. Jordan, Joaquin Quilez-Marin (above), Cecily Greaburn, and Zoltan Lundy;

Edward Knight's Tales Not Told featuring Rosko, Dalyte Kodzis, Kristen Brown, Henry, and Viskontas;

Veronika Krausas' Beckettian

Mortal Thoughts of Lady Macbeth bewitched by Michelle Jasso, Brown, Julia Hathaway, Sarah-Nicole Ruddy; and Lan-chee Lam's The Lady Doth Protest Too Much from Rachel Warner and Edward Coverdale.