Thursday, July 30, 2009

July 30 - Last Day First

End of the summer Diablo Valley College semester, with music from Philip Glass and the Beatles to David Byrne, Mark Alburger, Erling Wold, and beyond (the laptop still making sonic objections, but somehow getting through all the entries at -- with Ji Su Oh and Hye Su Han respectively playing Johan Pachelbel / George Winston and a 19th-century potboiler. The Pianists take their last quiz -- Baroque harmony, the Igor Stravinsky Firebird excerpt, with varied individual selections including a Ludwig van Beethoven Fur Elise, Harold Arlen Somewhere Over the Rainbow, several Claude Debussy-inspired Ancient Temples and Aaron Coplandesque Gift to Be Simples, Tielheim Susato's Ronde, Taps, and video-game music.

Make an appointment at the Apple Store to have someone look into the noisy fan situation tomorrow, and figure, being far enough south, that it's time to walk the short remaining stretch of the Redwood Trail in the Water District lands adjacent to Moraga, from the intersection of Canyon and Pinehurst Roads to the top of the Redwood Regional Park East Ridge.

Once out of the trees, inclined to stay there, despite the reasonably mild incoming fog, and walk the trail south, which reveals views back to

Moraga, St. Mary's and Rimer Creek Ridges, Upper San Leandro Reservoir,

King Canyon Ridge,

and wild lands even further south.

Out cliffy

Pinehurst Gate onto its

viewful namesake road (featuring the distant cloven Moraga [or is it Gudde?] Ridge), a helpful clinical psychologist who commutes the road twice daily from San Leandro work to area home expresses concern (am dressed more like a distressed motorist than a hiker) -- so, gratefully accept a ride back to point of origin, just for the convenience and serendipity of it all.

A semi-Beckettian not-much-to-be-done upon returning home, save another orchestrated page of Esther Xerxes: X. ARIA E CORO - "Proclamation issued"