Wednesday, July 29, 2009

July 29 - Into Each Life

Yes, endless paper grading, and music from Pierre Boulez to Philip Glass in the History class, followed by general review and a little Joe Garland In the Mood for Piano. Quick lab time recording

Esther Xerxes: IX. Now then, Queen Esther

The Marin loop follows, with more papers at Celia's and errands as the fog moves in. At home, while beginning orchestration of X. Proclamation Issued, the fan in the laptop starts misbehaving -- very loud and erratic. A check online reveals that folks have had printer and anti-virus software issues -- neither of which seem to apply, but there is a notion of keeping the computer level -- not on a lap, for instance, which would radically alter modus. Try the old turn-it-off-and-turn-it-one routine, which seems to help a bit (the Encore program actually runs more quietly than usual, but when opening the vast picture file in Finder, there seem to be objections once more). We shall see...