Friday, October 9, 2009

October 9 - Once Again to the Baricades

Page 3 of The Gospel According to St. Matthew: XIX. The Twelve orchestrated, then off to the Sierra upslope in the foothills towards Newcastle,

mas rapido paper grading at Tio Pepe's in Auburn, the dash downslope

towards the North Fork of the Middle Fork of the American River at


Bridge and


ascending beyond

Mosquito Saddle, and ultimately to

Chipmunk Ridge and

French Meadows Reservoir.

The walk is a short, dark one on the gravel beyond milepost 42, lined with


pines and the distant

Mildred Ridge to

Talbot Junction (drove ahead to this spot two weeks ago). The way from here will be on

State Forest Route 53, rather than the

dangerous, illusory ascent of Red Star Ridge.

For now, there's nothing to do but reverse course past the glories of a watery sunset under

the dark star sky.