Tuesday, February 24, 2009
February 24 - If It's Tuesday It Must Be Inferno
The sun rose on Henry Purcell's When I Am Laid in Earth from Dido and Aeneas for Theory dictatation, whereupon Bruce Cooke, Jerry Kuderna, and I make deep-laid plans to fulfill new beaurocratic folderol -- the antidote being lunch at Elephant Bar. Still early enough in the semester (re paper grading) such that there's time to head to the lab and record Saul! Saul!: VI. Eldest Born of Hell and much of VII. O Fairest!
Evening class proceeds apace from the Early Renaissance with Johannes Ciconia (what kind of a name is that?) to the Late with Andrea Gabrielli and Claude Gervaise; followed by Left Bank with Doug, Owen, and one of the latter's old Theory students; and one more page of orchestration (now 10 total) of S!S!: VII.
Dante Gabriel Rossetti,
Mark Alburger,
Saul Saul