Wednesday, February 11, 2009

February 10 - Day of Wonder

"Was fortune not your mistress once? Be fair. Give her at least the second chance to turn the hand of Shadow."

So here we are in Theory, in fact, again, with Chris at the piano helm for the Thomas of Celano Dies Irae, allowing the luxury of the first photos of the crew in flagrante dictatio.

-- a multi-faceted and talented group, indeed. After which, it's lunch at the newly-discovered Concord Mexican spot, already with numerous papers to grade, but not so many that a little orchestrational work (a second page) cannot be squeezed in on the third movement of Saul! Saul!, before the evening Lit course's music from Muhammad (c. 570-632) to the composer of the Chansonnier Cange (c. 1170), a whistle stop tour of 600 musical years in under three hours....