Thursday, February 12, 2009

February 12 - Light of an Oncoming Train

Idea bulbs are going off all over the classroom -- like rays piercing onto the Chinese Wall above, in the Sulfur Springs Mountains along I-80 -- as we take Quiz 4 in Theory, with examples drawn from late Medieval Music.

Happily, looks like just about everyone has done better on it than the day, which scores pretty low on the sun quotient on the return, approaching Cordelia Junction,

which is not to say that the dark vistas of the North Lagoon Mountains do not have their charm.


Jim, and

Clare arrive from Seattle, with Harriet returning from a job at about the same time, so things brighten up considerably, to downright joy, and a late evening session orchestrationg pages 4 through 8 of Saul! Saul!: III. O early Piety!.