Up seemingly ridiculously early, and out the door with H (at least the traffic is congenial at such hour) for our first rehearsal at Chamber Arts, in Berkeley, San Francisco Cabaret Opera's production of Henry Purcell's Dioclesian and the ten-minute version of my Diocletian, with Harriet March Page, Kathleen Cornelius, Maria Mikheyenko, Erin Lahm, Marilyn Pratt, Allison Collins,
Shauna Fallihee, Annemarie Ballinger, Kimberley Anderman, and Alexandra Jerinic -- all sounding wonderfully in these early stages of both pieces, with Skye at fantastically at the piano, and an-across-the-hall occasional-serenade of
impressive students in the J.S. Bach Orchestratl Suite No. 2,

complete with dog, whereupon (after dropping Alix off at Ashby Bart) we head home, coming up, between the two of us, with the intriguing notion of treating the little D as an intermezzo, with the pillars of Purcell on either side (this will actually be appropriate story chronology, too). Pleased, we have the rest of another well-appreciated (but potentially disaster-draughty inducing) sunny afternoon at leisure, which includes the orchestration of page 8 of Babe Ruth: IV. Daybreak Dance / Feria (Turn Aside).