San Francisco Composers Chamber Orchestra Board Meeting tonight, and we have a cordial, riotous time (robustly attended, with Erling Wold, Lisa Scola Prosek, Philip Friehofner, David Graves, Michael Cooke, Loren Jones, Davide Verotta, and Rachel Condry) -- taking the title of the concert Free for All -- But for You, $15 and running with it, whereupon Loren takes pictures including above (the red, however, my idea...), one of which is intended tol be photoshopped into some kind of smarmy used carlot scenario.
Before this, another Lisa soiree, with music by Loren, Lisa, and Eduard Prosek, plus three sctions of Samson and Delilah (The Frank Judges) that will be part of Sex and the Bible: The Opera (Part I).

VI. Downfall
VII. Daughter
X. Delilah
Previous to that, first faculty meeting of the new year, with Owen Lee at the helm and all the usual honored subjects, including Doug Michael, Mark Steidel, Rory Snyder, and Monty Bairos -- and shortly thereafter, generate a class list for attendance/grading, etc. and revise the online syllabus for first Music Theory class tomorrow (astounding that it is already time, and further that I'm pretty much ready almost 24 hours ahead of time).

Thereafter, in the lab, where I actually finish the orchestration for S&D: XIII. Disunity (which is likely to be the conclusion of Sex and the Bible Part I], and incidentally a first instance of writing music on the laptop while at school), email the midi over to my favorite lab desktop, and record in Cubase -- an amazingly fast turnaround time in my experience....