Morning Sex and Delilah rehearsal at Paul Dresher studio, with Nanette McGuiness, Kristin Brown, and Alexander Katsman, followed by a walk in Oakland's
Lakeside Park, looking southeast to a water temple overlooked by East Bay Hills
across Lake Merritt to Our Lady of Lourdes
near weathered/withered tired trees, and

west towards the
Park Bellevue Tower,
an eccentric hinge house,
playing high rise

and a maze -- amazing!
After a return to Paul Dresher (including a rehearsal of Sailor Boy with William Loney and a telented newcomer),

assisting in the realization of Prodigal Songs (all above as part of San Francisco Cabaret Opera's Fresh Voices IX programs next month),
head back out for more views of the same suspicious characters, plus

the East Bay Hills,
closer looks of the temple and

the park under renovation,

Beacon Hill housing,

plenteous palms at

Culver Arms,
and a turnaround across from a miniscule redwood park.

The return provides panoramas

austere geometry,


verge on the verge,

of various cone,


and facades,
to a visit within Our Lady, so to speak, and


Framed vistas,


still life architecture (with stop-motion Darwinesque planted animals?) for Mid-Day Saturday Afternoon (almost belying the overall activity on
Grand Avenue),

and yet another return to Paul Dresher, picking up Harriet,

dining al almost-freezo in the courtyard of Connecticut Yankee (the coldest winter, etc.), and gathering the tribes for the evening's performances of Dioclesian/Diocletian at San Francisco's Noh Space, with Kim, Indre, and Mark covering for a laringitis-challenged Maria, before an enthusiastic crowd, including a DVC Music Lit posse, Music Theoretician William Smith, St. Mary's Enlightener Christine Wong, and Mice and Men George-veteran Wayne Wong.

Upon return, finish the orchestration of Solomon: XI. I Come to You (The Queen of Sheba).