Wednesday, April 22, 2009
April 22 - As the Weather Turns
We've had great temperatures all week, but after St. Mary's (C.P.E. Bach Sonata in A Minor to F.J. Haydn Symphony No. 94 ["Surprise"], with three visitors) and Diablo Valley (John Williams's The Force from Star Wars, plus original student compositions and Solomon: IV. Is This a Friendly Visit - I'll See What I Can Do), there's
fog in the Marin Headlands on the way to Celia's paper grading, and a semi-ordeal getting official verification for a headlight replacement in Novato.
By evening, it's downright brisk, fair climes enough to complete the orchestration of S: IX. Happy Solomon (Procession of the Ark to the Temple) and begin that of
X. So These Are the Towns.