Finish the orchestration of King David: XV. Feat Song and begin that of

XVI. Before the Arc (The Death of Abner) before careening

beyond the Blue Ridge of the Vaca Mountains, past the
greening, almost ominous

Sulfur Springs and

amusement structures,

back towards Mt. Tamalpais in Marin, picking up the car, dealing with complicated banking problems (perhaps in homage to

Richard Brautigan),

meeting up with sarodist
Lisa Moscow (she's at last.fm) and friend serendipidously (it always pays to be incredibly polite),

flying over the Richmond Bridge past

Red Rock Island and a distant

San Francisco,

the palmy environs of Claremont Hotel and

Sibley and

Shakespeare Hills,
back to Pleasant Hill Boulevard in Lafayette, for another stroll below fan palms
and stone pines on a route between St. Mary's and Diablo Valley, whereupon it's time to provisionally record the just-orchestrated music above.