Friday, July 17, 2009

July 17 - Home and Abroad

Finish the orchestration of

Esther Xerxes: II. ARIOSO - "Why Don't You Make a Search to Find Some Beautiful Young Virgins?"

and record at lab later in the day (a fairly distant trope on the Handel Xerxes Larghetto). In between, make a counter-clockwise Bay-Area loop, to Marin (via the slopes of San Rafael Hill,

with familiar views of Mt. Tamalpais) for errands, paper-grading at Celia's and post-box --

followed by south 101 towards the low fog falling over the Headlands near Sausalito, down to Michelle and Andy's to drop off the Camino Real piano-vocal score and CD (the Macbook burner is actually working again), returning via Brisbane and South San Francisco (OK, not exactly the direct route), over the bridge, through the tunnel to recording.

Call Harriet to see how all are in western Washington (well, not exactly all) and return to begin orchestrating Esther: III. SINFONIA E SCENA - "When King Nebuchadnezzar"