Tuesday, June 23, 2009

June 23 - And the Living Is Crazy

Up early again, printing up more piano books again, arriving just on time to class such that there's no opening video and attendance is taken for the first time via sign-in, actually make it through all the first chapter of the Music History book-blog, piano class follows through Amazing Grace, lab recording of The Play of Daniel: II. Nebuchadnezzar's First Dream, coffee with Doug et al,

blitz out to U.C. Davis

Library to research Benjamin Britten's The Burning Fiery Furnace and William Walton's Belshazzar's Feast (it's the all-English Babylonian repertory...) for orchestrational inspiration, etc., re Daniel, call Harriet and Bette, head home and almost immediately zip out to the bikepath and the pool (but succeed in stepping on glass and cutting a finger beforehand...), catch up with the newspapers in the spa,

bike back in the post-solstice shadows, try to track down Daniel Pinkham's Daniel in the Lion's Den (find it only at UC's Irvine and San Diego, and San Francisco State -- although latter's library is closed for renovation with books available within 24 hours, requests made online with student I.D. ... oh, well ...), orchestrate first two pages of The Opera of Daniel: III. The Fiery Furnace.