Friday, May 29, 2009

May 29 - Sun Showers

Happy Birthday, from California to Wisconsin across the miles and the Great Divide!

Crystal Series: III. Crystal Images

Day at home (Harriet out on a job), finishing the orchestration of Elijah Rock: XII. King (Benhadad and Ahab) and then roaring through same for

XIII. Still (Ahab and a Member of a Group of Prophets)
XIV. Let (Ahab and Naboth)
XV. Jehoshaphat (Call and Chronology)

mostly simply text underlay, since pieces are recaps of I., II., and III., plus first page of XVI. Send (Ahaziah and Elijah), thus ending First Part and beginning Second Part.

Off in the halflight of Lagoon Valley and

Mountains to

the Berkeley wilds of Chamber Arts

for a recap of Ed Knight's songs (from Cary et al)

with the composer in attendance and

awards from Harriet bestowed on all.

Home, with a second page of XVI. orchestrated.